NAS Pensacola (Forrest Sherman Field) | |
United States | |
Pensacola, Florida | |
28 feet | |
30° 21' 9.56" N | |
87° 19' 7.13" W | |
Airport Diagram | | |
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FAQs for NAS Pensacola (Forrest Sherman Field)
- What is the airport code for NAS Pensacola (Forrest Sherman Field)?
- What is the ICAO code for NAS Pensacola (Forrest Sherman Field)?
- Airport Code KNPA
- What is the airport code for NAS Pensacola (Forrest Sherman Field)?
- What is the IATA code for NAS Pensacola (Forrest Sherman Field)?
- Airport Code NPA
- NAS Pensacola (Forrest Sherman Field) Airport Code
- Pensacola Airport Code
- United States airport codes